Dreaded "Operations Manager failed to start a process" error (2012 R2)

I know this error has been covered many times, and on many topics, but this time mine is slightly different.   It's NOT the "SCOMpercentageCPUTimeCounter" error covered by Kevin Holman.

Also, I am running SCOM 2012 R2 UR4 (7.1.10226.1046) and everything seems correctly patched (MS and agents), like suggested by Nicole Welch and Kevin Holman as well.

So my environment is a fresh installation of SCOM 2012 R2, and I am transferring to this new Management Group, the monitored servers from our old SCOM 2012 "R1" (which I did not upgrade but rather made a brand new independent install).  So all servers aren't migrated yet, but I would like to solve this error before. This error did NOT happen in "R1", nor was it overridden (I imported the exact same Management Packs anyway).

On 2012 R2, it happens on almost all new monitored machines, mainly Read-Only Domain Controllers (RODCs).

Here is the kind of alert text I am getting:

Het om 10:10:15 gestarte proces is beindigd als gevolg van een uitvoerverzamelfout als gevolg van fout 0x80070057 : The parameter is incorrect.
; mogelijk zijn er gegevens verloren gegaan.

Opdracht die is uitgevoerd: "C:\Windows\system32\cscript.exe" //nologo "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Monitoring Agent\Agent\Health Service State\Monitoring Host Temporary Files 193\24788\AD_Global_Catalog_Search_Response.vbs" RODC02.mydomain.be (objectCategory=DMD) false 4 {9E253FCB-8AAF-491F-CCA3-E632C6C2800C}
Werkmap: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Monitoring Agent\Agent\Health Service State\Monitoring Host Temporary Files 193\24788\

Dit is van invloed op een of meer werkstromen.

Werkstroomnaam: Microsoft.Windows.Server.2008.AD.DomainController.GCSearchTime.Monitor
Exemplaarnaam: RODC02

Our servers have Belgian (Dutch) regional settings, hence the language. But check out the highlighted info in bold.

The related event Number (in Alert Context) is 21404. Most other articles about this, mention 21402 or 21403. I suppose they all must be related but still, it's a new one here.

There you have the failing VBS file. I checked all alerts and there seem to be different files concerned overall. Other examples:

  • C:\Program Files\Microsoft Monitoring Agent\Agent\Health Service State\Monitoring Host Temporary Files 233\22737\AD_Database_and_Log.vbs    (from almost all RODCs)
  • C:\Program Files\Microsoft Monitoring Agent\Agent\Health Service State\Monitoring Host Temporary Files 196\19876\Microsoft.Windows.Server.Legacy.FreeSpace.vbs   (also from an RODC)
  • C:\Program Files\Microsoft System Center 2012 R2\Operations Manager\Server\Health Service State\Monitoring Host Temporary Files 5891\338282\Microsoft.Windows.Server.CPUUtilization.Monitortype.vbs 95 15
    SCOM02.mydomain.be 1.4119384288787842     (this one is from my second Management Server..)

Repeat count of the alert is 1 to 2 a day, so it's not nightmareish, but still, requires to be fixed. I suspect that even if there is a different VBS file concerned, since the eventID and the alert text are the same, the repeat count will just increase, not showing the last actual VBS concerned.

I connect to each of these servers, and browse to the directory containing the file, and the folder is there, the file is there.  The error text mentions incorrect parameters but they still seem OK to me. 

I found something which might be worth noting:  when browsing to the directory, be it on an RODC or on the SCOM server, I get a permission popup requiring some admin rights to do so - although I am using my domain admin (+SCOM+SQL+local admin everywhere) account:

SCOM services use the Local System account to run, on every machine. I thought Local System shouldn't be concerned with these permissions popups, but normally the domain/local admins aren't either, yet I am.

The "Health service" folder is the only one from the "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Monitoring Agent\Agent" folder to be concerned with this; I can browse without trouble to any other directory there.

After a SCOM service stop, I renamed the "Health Service state" folder (as you can see on the screenshot, there is a "Health Service State bak" folder) and let the service recreate it after a restart, to ensure it was clean and with appropriate permissions , but it doesn't help.

Might that be a clue?

Or else what?  I'm getting confused and don't find a suitable sol

December 4th, 2014 5:31pm


From my point of view, we may need to check WMI function. Please also refer to the below article and find the proper hotfix for WMI for your system:


In addition, here is a blog about WMI fix, hope it can be helpful:



Yan Li

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December 5th, 2014 5:34am

Yan LI,

thanks for your reply.

Your first link seems a bit outdated. I know it has been updated since its first publication date in 2009, but still, it talks about UR3 and I said at the beginning of my original post above, that I had applied UR4 everywhere.

Anyway, about WMI fix, I forgot to mention that the O/S on which my SCOM 2012 R2 is running, is Windows 2012 R2 (with all Windows updates applied - important and optional). 
So only the first two lines of the table from KH's article are applicable (WMIPRVSE.exe and heartbeat issues) and it doesn't seem to be the problem here, as since then, ALL monitored servers are reporting "Operations Manager failed to start a process" alerts.

Now about the second link: 
I followed the guidelines from the following article: http://4sysops.com/archives/wbemtest-part-1-testing-wmi-connectivity/  and the WMI remote connectivity seems OK :  from my MS's I can remotely connect to any monitored server (even the RODCs) - using my own admin credentials or SCOM Action Account.

But then again, the annoying "Operations Manager failed to start a process" alerts mention some incorrect parameters (error 0x80070057 for ALL occurrences of the alert) so I don't see how this could be related to a remote WMI connectivity.

December 9th, 2014 5:28pm


Please set WMI Performance Adapter service with startup type Automatic.
Any other operations manager related event logs?

And for this issue, you may need to capture SCOM trace or further debug.


Yan Li 

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December 15th, 2014 6:32am

Hello again.

I have been away a few days and am back for this issue, sorry for the delay.

The WMI Performance Adapter service was set to Manual and not running.  I set it to Automatic, and rebooted all servers (it was then Running after the reboot, like intended).

That didn't help, the "Operations Manager failed to start a process" alert is still shot, multiple times per week, for all currently monitored servers.

Message is still "0x80070057 : The parameter is incorrect."

I checked the Operations Managed event log, and I found 2 "Errors" being often reported:

#1: Service paused?

My MS reports quite a lot of events 20032 with the following text:

"The health service {FE3332CF-7071-6AA5-A657-FBA7A857CAC8} running on host SERVER10.mydomain.be and serving management group MG-MYDOMAIN with id {9E253FCB-8AAF-491F-CCA3-E632C6C2800C} is not available because service has been paused."

It is reported in both MS's Operations Manager event logs, and emanating from all monitored servers (including the second MS in the first MS's event log!!).  The Health service ID is different each time

#2: Discovery data error insert in DB

*ONLY ON THE FIRST MS* (not once on the second!!), the event ID 10801 is reported every 8 hours or so, 2 times in a row (6-7 minutes between those two "simultaneous" occurrences) with the following text:

Discovery data couldn't be inserted to the database. This could have happened because  of one of the following reasons:

- Discovery data is stale. The discovery data is generated by an MP recently deleted.
- Database connectivity problems or database running out of space.
- Discovery data received is not valid.

The following details should help to further diagnose:
DiscoveryId: c5f14a94-16dd-e9dd-7e2f-f97820b8bc18
HealthServiceId: 74256ad0-dd35-03c9-c926-a595caf18ad6

Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Common.DiscoveryDataInvalidClassPropertyValueException,The class property value specified in the discovery data item is not valid. The value needs to adhere to the class.

Class property name:

Class property value:
-Rule ID: c5f14a94-16dd-e9dd-7e2f-f97820b8bc18

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?><ClassInstance TypeId="{d1b35999-391a-99cd-f274-7a3346ef3798}"><Settings><Setting><Name>5c324096-d928-76db-e9e7-e629dcc261b1</Name><Value>SERVER01.mydomain.be</Value></Setting><Setting><Name>8176d607-cfe4-7635-2977-56cb1efe5fcd</Name><Value>2dabce77-9bea-4f57-87b1-6514c3e20fd4</Value></Setting><Setting><Name>84f3ea48-d2f4-e8f8-bf61-ba33419a7950</Name><Value>-</Value></Setting></Settings></ClassInstance>.

Between the 2 occurrences, the text is the same, and the Health service ID varies.  When the next "two-alerts-errors" occur 8 hours later, it is again with the same 2 IDs (I reckon both MS's)

Although it seems related to the DFS MP (which version I got is 7.1.10100, the latest available), and therefore not directly to the original error, I checked the Database anyway, and everything seems OK:
- OperationsManager DB:  Size 17408 MB - Space Available 15298 MB
 MOM_DATA   Initial Size 16384 MB , Autogrowth by 64MB, Unlimited
 MOM_LOG  Initial Size 1024 MB, Autogrowth by 16MB, Unlimited
 Management Server Action Account: all
 Config and Data Access Service Account: all
 Data Writer Account: Connect/Select

- OperationsManagerDW DB:    Size: 82944 MB - Space Available 80441 MB
 MOM_DATA   Initial Size 81920 MB , Autogrowth by 64 MB, Unlimited
 MOM_LOG  Initial Size 1024 MB, Autogrowth by 16MB, Unlimited
 Config and Data Access Service Account: all
 Data Reader Account: Connect/Select
 Data Writer Account: all

, is there anything else I can check or some kind of magic query I could launch, to ensure this?

December 22nd, 2014 4:53pm


Did you have event 33333 together with 10801? If that is the case, then you may check below article:


In addition, to narrow down whether the issue caused by the DFS MP, you may try to remove the MP, and run Remove-SCOMDisabledClassInstance, after that check whether the issue still occur.


Yan Li

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December 23rd, 2014 3:29pm

In the event viewer (Operations Manager log) I filter event 10801 and 33333 and I find ONE occurrence of the 33333, 13 days ago :

Data Access Layer rejected retry on SqlError:

Request: AlertUpdate -- (AlertId=0b21c9b3-5177-4779-bf25-4f7113b6fd08), (BaseManagedEntityId=4932d8f0-c8e2-2f4b-288e-3ed98a340b9f), (ResolutionState=255), (Owner=), (CustomField1=), (CustomField2=), (CustomField3=), (CustomField4=), (CustomField5=), (CustomField6=), (CustomField7=), (CustomField8=), (CustomField9=), (CustomField10=), (Comments=Alert modified by user), (TimeLastModified=09-12-14 14:53:57), (ModifiedBy=MYDOMAIN.be\myaccount), (TicketId=), (ConnectorId=), (ModifyingConnectorId=), (TfsWorkItemId=), (TfsWorkItemOwner=), (RETURN_VALUE=-1)

Class: 16

Number: 777980200

Message: Request to update alert ignored due to invalid TimeModified

But there are 95 occurrences of the 10801 so I don't think this is relevant here.  The article you linked also covers a different error message in the 33333 anyway.

Now about the Disabling of MP's, I'll do that later 'cause now I must leave for X-mas eve :)

December 24th, 2014 7:29pm


I'm back on this issue.

Well I eventually removed all self-made MPs (containing custom overrides) and the DFS MPs as well, and I ran the Remove-SCOMDisabledClassInstance command (even if according to the documentation I don't exactly see how it is relevant here).

This didn't help and the alert "Operations Manager failed to start a process" still pops; still the same as before: event id 21404 and "parameter is incorrect".

Let's not focused on the event ID 10801 (the one mentioning the DFS MP above); I just bumped into it while browsing the OpsMgr event log like suggested, but in no way we can tie this with the alert.

So I'm still blocked, and without a solution.

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January 8th, 2015 2:07am

i have the same issue.

i investigate in this problem and found the following:

1) in management pack "AD 2008 and above monitoring" in scripts (for example GeneralResponseCheck.vbs, AD_Op_Master_Response.vbs, AD_General_Response.vbs) explicitly set location - en-us. Second string in script - SetLocale ("en-us").

2) script return property bag with "." decimal delimeter, but scom process this as ru-ru (if i set russian location, for example)

You can try to start command line from alert manualy and then analyze output. Pay attention on StatusValue value in returned property bag. Compare decimal delimeter in output with your regional settings (on affected ser

February 4th, 2015 3:59am

Hi I've been having a similar issue on 2012 R2 UR3.

I have multiple "Operations Manager failed to start a process" alerts for AD, DNS & SQL. Trying to find the best way of troubleshooting. We are running McAfee AV but I can't see anything in the Access Protection log to say its being blocked. 

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February 12th, 2015 7:18am

@Gennady Efimov: 

I have checked what you checked, and indeed we can see the SetLocale to US thing (why is anybody even still doing this ...) and my affected servers are all set to either Belgian Dutch or French regional settings, both using the coma ( , ) as decimal delimiter.

I cannot change this setting as I am not aware of the consequences it may imply, and this is just unacceptable.

If any official Microsoft person can confirm this, I'll simply override the error and won't take care about it anymore.

February 19th, 2015 5:44am

@Gennady Efimov: 

I have checked what you checked, and indeed we can see the SetLocale to US thing (why is anybody even still doing this ...) and my affected servers are all set to either Belgian Dutch or French regional settings, both using the coma ( , ) as decimal delimiter.

I cannot change this setting as I am not aware of the consequences it may imply, and this is just unacceptable.

If any official Microsoft person can confirm this, I'll simply override the error and won't take care about it anymore.


One of the alerts reported a problem with the Microsoft.Windows.Server.Legacy.FreeSpace.vbs script (still the "Parameter is incorrect" error).   So I followed your suggestion and ran it manually:

Connected to the concerned server, found the temp dir where the script was and executed the exact same command line as in the reported error (in bold, below):

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Monitoring Agent\Agent\Health Service State\Monitoring Host Temporary Files 24788\130956>C:\Windows\system32\cscript.exe /nologo "Microsoft.Windows.Server.Legacy.FreeSpace.vbs" RODC02.mydomain.be false
Arguments: {RODC02.mydomain.be} {false}
<Collection><DataItem type="System.PropertyBagData" time="2015-02-19T15:07:42.64 88357+01:00" sourceHealthServiceId="B659262C-BB34-CBF7-801F-B5C3C54B9580"><Property Name="PctFree" VariantType="8">72</Property><Property Name="MbFree" VariantType="8">96050</Property><Property Name="DiskLabel" VariantType="8">C:</Property><Property Name="IsSystem" VariantType="8">true</Property></DataItem><DataItem type="System.PropertyBagData" time="2015-02-19T15:07:42.6488357+01:00" sourceHealthServiceId="B659262C-BB34-CBF7-801F-B5C3C54B9580"><Property Name="PctFree" VariantType="8">20</Property><Property Name="MbFree" VariantType="8">45637</Property><Property Name="DiskLabel" VariantType="8">D:</Property><Property Name="IsSystem" VariantType="8">false</Property></DataItem><DataItem type="System.PropertyBagData" time="2015-02-19T15:07:42.6488357+01:00" sourceHealthServiceId="B659262C-BB34-CBF7-801F-B5C3C54B9580"><Property Name="PctFree" VariantType="8">19</Property><Property Name="MbFree" VariantType="8">9671</Property><Property Name="DiskLabel" VariantType="8">H:</Property><Property Name="IsSystem" VariantType="8">false</Property></DataItem></Collection>

I don't find the StatusValue value you're mentionning, nor do I find any value in Decimal (except the time.. would it be that??); they all seem to be integers.

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February 19th, 2015 1:41pm


i have the same problem NB-no locale settings on 90% of Our monitored machines. Frequently we get the parameter is incorrect issue. In the release notes for AD management pack, AD_Database_and_Log.vbs states to be updated?

Fixed AD_Database_and_Log.vbs does not support using
. as decimal sign for non-English account.

March 24th, 2015 7:31am


any news here? Have the same issue on DCs. Sometimes it's the AD_Global_Catalog_Search_Response.vbs, sometimes AD_Database_and_Log.vbs

When I start the scripts manually everything seems to work.

Maybe sometimes the return has a decimal value and then the error appears? Have all language settings switched to en-US.

Seems there is still a bug in the AD management packs script?! Would be happy about any clue to fix or workaround it.


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April 24th, 2015 3:04am


Still no news I'm afraid.  the alert count keep increasing and increasing. 

My opinion is that it is not limited to AD MP in particular (even if most failing scripts seem to emanate from it), check my investigation here above.

April 24th, 2015 4:52am


any news here? Have the same issue on DCs. Sometimes it's the AD_Global_Catalog_Search_Response.vbs, sometimes AD_Database_and_Log.vbs

When I start the scripts manually everything seems to work.

Maybe sometimes the return has a decimal value and then the error appears? Have all language settings switched to en-US.

Seems there is still a bug in the AD management packs script?! Would be happy about any clue to fix or workaround it.


  • Edited by baschuel Friday, April 24, 2015 7:01 AM
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
April 24th, 2015 7:01am


any news here? Have the same issue on DCs. Sometimes it's the AD_Global_Catalog_Search_Response.vbs, sometimes AD_Database_and_Log.vbs

When I start the scripts manually everything seems to work.

Maybe sometimes the return has a decimal value and then the error appears? Have all language settings switched to en-US.

Seems there is still a bug in the AD management packs script?! Would be happy about any clue to fix or workaround it.


  • Edited by baschuel Friday, April 24, 2015 7:01 AM
April 24th, 2015 7:01am


any news here? Have the same issue on DCs. Sometimes it's the AD_Global_Catalog_Search_Response.vbs, sometimes AD_Database_and_Log.vbs

When I start the scripts manually everything seems to work.

Maybe sometimes the return has a decimal value and then the error appears? Have all language settings switched to en-US.

Seems there is still a bug in the AD management packs script?! Would be happy about any clue to fix or workaround it.


  • Edited by baschuel Friday, April 24, 2015 7:01 AM
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
April 24th, 2015 7:01am


any news here? Have the same issue on DCs. Sometimes it's the AD_Global_Catalog_Search_Response.vbs, sometimes AD_Database_and_Log.vbs

When I start the scripts manually everything seems to work.

Maybe sometimes the return has a decimal value and then the error appears? Have all language settings switched to en-US.

Seems there is still a bug in the AD management packs script?! Would be happy about any clue to fix or workaround it.


  • Edited by baschuel Friday, April 24, 2015 7:01 AM
April 24th, 2015 7:01am

Greetings all,

Our Software Assurance has been (at last!) renewed and I was (eventually!) able to open a case with this issue.

VDash Tech Support told me that this is a known bug, which hasn't been fixed in UR6  (note: UR6 is available since April-28th), and which *should* be fixed in UR7 (within 3 months).

Meanwhile they propose 2 workarounds:

1. downgrade agents to UR2  (seriously... no -_-)
2. altering the AD MP and tweak some values ("not supported by Microsoft and provided as best effort".  No hanks, either.

So let's be a bit (!) more patient I guess ...

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May 29th, 2015 6:32am


Do you resolved recently problem about 21404 and The parameter ins incorrect.

please response me if resolced it


June 27th, 2015 9:20am


Do you resolved recently problem about 21404 and The parameter ins incorrect.

please response me if resolced it


Check my last message here above :  official tech support says it is a known bug, and that it should be corrected in Update rollup (UR) 7, in a few weeks/months.  So far, there is not much you can do beside the riskyoptions they have suggested.

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June 29th, 2015 4:39am

Hi Thanks alot for your response to me:-)
June 30th, 2015 4:01am

Hi all,

same for me. But ive installed CU7 and that did not Help for my Environment. Same Error again:

Script: AD_Database_and_Log

Error: '0x80070057 : The parameter is incorrect.


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August 24th, 2015 5:08am

Hello together,

we have also the issue that some Scripts (GetSQL2012DBWinServState.js, GetSQL2008DBWinServState.js, GetSQL2005DBWinServState.js, AD_Global_Catalog_Search_Response.vbs, AD_General_Response.vbs, AD_Database_and_Log.vbs, Microsoft.Windows.Server.DiskState.vbs) fails on our SCOM 2012 R2 UR7 Environment with the Error: '0x80070057 : The parameter is incorrect on some Windows 2008 R2 and Windows 2012 R2 Server. Imported Active Directory Management is Version 6.0.8293.0, SQL and last week we updated also the Management Pack for OS to Version  6.0.7297.0.

We hope now over 3 month that the Error will be fixed in the UR 7, but it doesnt look like so. :(

Have anyone an solution to fix this Error / Warnings?

Best regards


August 24th, 2015 6:20am

Hi! Same issue for me: event id 21404, error 0x80070057, GetSQL2012DBWinServState.js on 3 servers every single day. SCOM 2012 R2 with CU7 installed.
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August 25th, 2015 9:56am

Thanks for your input guys - I have planned the deployment of UR7 next week, with great hopes about our problem here, and I just checked your answers.  I had strong feelings it would be that way - time to reopen a case I suppose...

Unless some officials here have a better explanation as to why this alert is still happening for us ?

August 25th, 2015 10:27am

Same for me. SCOM 2012 R2 CU7 installed. Bug is not fixed.
Still got Errors regarding AD MP and sometimes for other Servers. Ive defined an override for AD Servers to ignore these Script errors.
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August 28th, 2015 3:02am

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